The company recognizes the fact that no web host could ever be perfect; but they can assure customers with unshakeable confidence that their web hosting service is the closest thing to perfection that one can ever ask for. The web hosting packages that WebHostingBuzz offers come in all shapes and sizes; with guaranteed uptime that the company has truly lived up to, over a long a period of time. The price freeze policy has certainly been a great advantage to customers; you consistently pay the initial price of your web hosting account/plan without any increase at all – for life.
WebHostingBuzz Features
As earlier mentioned, WebHostingBuzz caters to diverse needs and demands of every type of clientele – from the simplest and most basic to the most advanced and complex. All WebHostingBuzz plans are reasonably priced with payment terms purposely hewn to suit each customer’s needs and budget. The company is known to have some of the lowest rates in the industry for web hosting packages, whether new connections or upgrades. Rest assured, however, that you get your money’s worth when you sign up for any WebHostingBuzz plan and don’t get short-changed with the features you get despite the low rates; all packages – be it shared, reseller or VPS – are rich in features and applications that are excellent tools for your business and can enhance your website and file manageability.
Plans for websites with basic requirements include the Hosting Basic, Hosting Silver and Hosting Gold packages. The Hosting Basic is the cheapest plan priced at $4.95; it’s a fully functional package, which is most ideal for small websites. This package comes along with 400 GB of disk space and 10000 GB bandwidth. The Hosting Silver is the most popular WebHostingBuzz plan and perfect for blogs, CMS and photo galleries, with 750 GB of disk space and 15000 GB bandwidth for only $6.95 a month. The Hosting Gold plan is the company’s high-end hosting plan with unlimited bandwidth and disk space, fairly priced at $9.95 per month. Both The Hosting Silver and Hosting Gold offer unlimited add-on domains; this gives you the capability to host multiple domains and websites under a single account.
Here’s good news for the more advanced users: WebHostingBuzz also offers an array of plans for Reseller web hosting and Managed Dedicated servers/hosting, which allow you free rein to customize your website according to the unique requirements and demands of your business. Scripts are adequately supported and control panel functions and features that are key aspects to customization are readily available. Reseller hosting enables you to host multiple websites with a unique log-in feature for each.
All WebHostingBuzz plans run on Linux OS and are powered by cPanel, which includes all control panel features such as My SQL database, complete pack of email features, CGI, PHP 4/5, shell access (SSH) support, Fantastico, and many other fantastic features that are ideal for installing and running blogs and forums, among other things . You can also enable/disable and publish frontpage extension application for your website or any particular domain directly from the WebHostingBuzz cPanel. In addition, the WebHostingBuzz cPanel has the unique and distinct feature of allowing you to choose from 23 different languages, which is quite uncommon in the web hosting market.
Can you run an online store with WebHostingBuzz? Absolutely, yes! Every WebHostingBuzz plan is Ecommerce compliant; in fact, the company currently supports 99% of the shopping carts on the market. Each plan is equipped with one-click installers for Magento and/or Zen shopping cart software that you can directly access from the control panel.
WebHostingBuzz Uptime and Reliability
The 99.99% uptime guarantee has always been overplayed and overstated by almost all web hosting providers. WebHostingBuzz does not only use this guarantee to lure customers into signing up. The company has totally proven its reliability over the years through its top-of-the-line infrastructure, technology and human resources.
The WebHostingBuzz Infrastructure and Technology that Powers Your Website Any trustworthy web hosting company that aims to continuously deliver quality performance and dependable hosting to the customers has the choice of data centers as primary consideration and WebHostingBuzz has your business success in mind when they chose three geographically varied locations to house their facilities and infrastructure. After meticulously studying the rigorous requirements, each facility was chosen for its merits on meeting the high standards that WebHostingBuzz requires and maintains.
While many web hosting providers utilize data centers in hurricane-prone or earthquake prone areas, WebHostingBuzz facilities are so carefully chosen that no facilities are located in natural disaster prone areas. The company’s main point of presence (POP) sits on a 40,000-sq ft facility in Atlanta, Georgia; while two other data centers are found in Clifton, New Jersey (25,000 sq ft, raised floor facility) and Dallas, Texas (15,000 sq ft). Each of these facilities has fully redundant infrastructure, reliable power supply, optimum internet connectivity, has a 100% Cisco Tier 3/n + 1 redundancy specification and boasts of Supermicro Enterprise Intel Xeon servers. Data centers are fast becoming popular targets for criminals and thieves because of their priceless contents; thus, WebHostingBuzz makes sure that all facilities are unmarked, discreet and remain secure with state-of-the-art security system and armed guards in place.
WebHostingBuzz is honest enough to admit that you may sometimes experience site loading failures at times, but this is a very rare occurrence and often goes away even without any intervention from the technical team. Generally, sudden and major spikes in traffic are handled quite well and if you experience problems in this aspect like reduction in speed, for instance, the WebHostingBuzz engineers can quickly rectify it by moving you to another server or they can easily upgrade you to a more advanced system/plan, which guarantees smoother operation. Overall, WebHostingBuzz has fulfilled the 99.99% uptime guarantee with less than 5 minutes of downtime per month.
WebHostingBuzz Customer Support
The company’s customer and technical support consists of employed staff from 3 continents and what you get is a friendly, hard-working team who takes your online business success to heart seriously. These people don’t stop short at sacrificing a lot; they work untiringly and diligently to give you the best services and achieve maximum levels of customer satisfaction. WebHostingBuzz has gained excellent reputation for responding to issues and complaints in short spans of time; and more importantly, in providing solutions to your problems almost immediately when they crop up. Simple problems can take as short as five minutes for the Live Support team to tackle and correct any mishaps. True to their words, technical support is indeed genuinely accessible 24/7/365 through helpdesk, live chat and telephone.
Now, if all these features don’t quite live up to the WebHostingBuzz promise of excellent quality service and you remain unconvinced, unhappy and dissatisfied with the hosting services provided, no sweat – you can always opt for the 30-day Money Back Guarantee and get a full refund of the amount you paid.
The Bottom Line
The features that WebHostingBuzz offers make the company one of the most viable web hosting providers in the industry. Compared to other web hosting companies, the WebHostingBuzz prices, reliability and customer support attract more business and website owners with diverse needs and demands, as the company undoubtedly delivers real value for your money. If you want to be counted among the successful online business websites, you simply have to sign up with WebHostingBuzz – one of the best and most respected web hosting providers you can rely on. Along with them I recommend you read my Omnis Network and Hostgator review if you are looking for a good web hosting service.