Cheap web hosting services are readily available. While there are great, inexpensive choices in web hosting providers, it is necessary to carefully look into any provider you are considering. In an effort to make the most money, some web hosting companies cut corners by stuffing too many sites on a server, or sometimes by skimping on technical or customer support. You certainly don't want those things to happen.
So what should you look for in a cheap (or any) web hosting service? Adequate bandwidth and disk space are vitally important. Fortunately, these aren't that expensive to come by anymore. You want your hosting service to understand your particular needs in terms of space and bandwidth. Uptime is very important, and access to 24/7 technical and customer help is absolutely vital. You'll want to know whether an intended host uses cPanel, and whether the servers they use are Linux or Windows based.
After you have your needs spelled out, it is time to go shopping for a web hosting service. The competition is fierce in the area of web hosting, and that is generally to your advantage. Two popular hosting companies are called Fat Cow and Just Host.
FatCow has been around since 1998, and focuses its attention on small businesses. They also offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth. While providing really unlimited disk space and bandwidth is actually impossible, it is possible to come close enough that most websites won't know it isn't infinite. Fat Cow offers shopping carts and website builders for free. It is not necessary to know how to write HTML in order to design your site. Fat Cow has plenty of designs that you can choose from. Eco-minded customers will be pleased to know that FatCow runs all its data centers on wind power. | |
Just Host has won numerous customer and technical service awards. They have website builders, shopping cart programs, and numerous other customer perks like free domain name for life. And you can have an infinite number of domains that you can setup using cPanel. JustHost offers 99.9% uptime, which is as good as is realistically possible. They even created their own company called Just Uptime for the sole purpose of monitoring sites' uptime. |
With software for load balancing, super fast servers, and multiple servers, you can be assured that if one server has a problem, you site will go immediately live on another server.
Cheap web hosting is a fact of life nowadays, and website and e-commerce owners are in the enviable position of being able to choose among many competitively priced options.
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